The Prayer Shawl Ministry has been happening for many years. They are located in large blue bins in the little room off the Sunrise Room behind the offices. Many of us at Prairie Spirit, and friends as well, have been generous with their time, talent, and donations. We currently have a wonderful supply on hand. They are there for the taking, no one to ask. If you know someone who you think would enjoy one, please take one to them. There is a book to sign-out, so we know they aren’t duplicated. They can be given for happy, sad, thinking of you, new babies, etc. If you open bags, please reseal them to help keep them clean.
At this time, it is difficult to access the church. If you are wanting one to give, or wool to knit, please contact the church office.
We have been given a large quantity of wool, smaller amounts, that would be perfect to get a head start for the mitten tree. Anyone interested, please contact the church office.
To contact the church office, email or call 204-832-1000. To leave a voice message, please press 1.