Christian Education Team
Our Christian Education Team currently exists in name only. We hunger for opportunities to engage in study and reflection to develop and strengthen our faith. We not only need CE for our current members, but we dream of offering faith building opportunities that will be attractive to those who are looking for a faith, but have not yet found it.
Congregational Life Team
Our Congregational Life Team provides coffee before and after the services and hosts several lunches and dinners throughout the year for the entire congregation as a way to continue to foster a deep sense of community and belonging. They also conduct ongoing fundraisers. They provide special treats on Easter, including cookies for the home bound, and the Sunday before Christmas. They also host funeral luncheons upon request. We hope that we can continue to build a more vibrant ministry that will engage more members of the congregation in working and sharing together to build real community.
Pastoral Care Team
Our Pastoral Care Team regularly and as needed make contact with members of our congregation who are ill, homebound, or suffering a loss. The minister makes hospital visits and decides if visits are made to the hospital by a Pastoral Care Team Member on behalf of the church. They have a card ministry, offer prayer shawls, and offer topical workshops with outside speakers including a Grief Support workshop for the community. We have had a healing touch ministry active in the congregation. There are many isolated seniors in our community that we hope to provide more pastoral care to and we are looking for ways that lead to further mobilizing our current and new resources.
Social Justice Team
Our Social Justice Team is very active supporting outreach ministries in the city and other community justice groups. We currently work with 1JustCity which supports 3 ministries. We provide significant support to the Canadian Foodgrains Bank. Our church hosts a community food bank every second week through Winnipeg Harvest. We are also constantly trying to find ways to connect ourselves to the wider community. It is our hope that in living out our faith and finding ways to address needs within our community, we will show that our faith is one of action and that will cause community members to say “I want to be part of that. It is important to my community”.
Worship Team
Our Worship Team is currently engaged in working with the minister in all aspects of worship planning, and we continue to look for ongoing leadership which will continue to enrich our worship. At Prairie Spirit United Church, we understand the need to make our worship more relevant to those who currently are attending worship and those who are currently not attending worship. We have members who do not attend worship because it does not “speak to them”. And we are situated in a community where most do not attend worship. We are looking for services that meet the needs of the people – worship that is inspiring, inspirational, and relevant as one of our goals is to reach out to those individuals not attending and engage them in the congregation.