At Prairie Spirit United Church, a number of opportunities exist to help adults grow in their faith as well as opportunities for fellowship.
Prairie Spirit Book Club
If you love to read and discuss books with others, then a book club is the place for you!
The Prairie Spirit Book Club is a forum where readers come together and talk about all genre of books and the reading experience.
A single book is discussed at each meeting. The books for the following year are selected at the December meeting. Members suggest books that they would like the group to read and a final list is created from the suggestions. A reading schedule is circulated to members. Each member is responsible for planning and leading the discussion focused on their book choice.
The Prairie Spirit Book Club meets in the Prairie Spirit United Church lounge at 1:30 pm on the first Friday of each month, except for July and August.
The Happy Gang
The Happy Gang is an afternoon drop-in for adults that meets at Prairie Spirit United Church from 1:30 – 3:30 pm on the second Thursday of each month (except for July and August).
The purpose is for adults to get together for an afternoon of fun and fellowship by playing table games or card games that are provided or you can bring your own game that you enjoy. This is an opportunity to connect with old friends, meet new people, and enjoy stimulating conversation in pleasant surroundings. Refreshments are served and there are door prizes. Rides can be provided by contacting the church office at 204-832-1000 or
All of this is presently complimentary. It is not a requirement to belong to any church to attend, but simply an opportunity for getting people together in the neighbourhood or those who have left the neighbourhood and wish to stay in touch.
United Church Women (UCW)
Unit #5 of the United Church Women (UCW) meet on the third Monday of the month in the afternoon at 1:30 pm in the Sunrise Room.
The UCW’s mission is to love God; foster Christian commitment, faithfulness, and spirituality; and promote respect and love for all God’s creation. Any woman “willing to contribute her prayers, gifts, and services for the work of the Church” may join.
In 2019, activities included hosting a Potluck Dinner, making butter tarts with proceeds going towards the Christmas Cheer Board, contributing to the mitten tree at Christmas with hand-knit hats and mittens, hosting a Dessert Party, and providing cupcakes for St. Matthews Maryland Community Ministry’s Valentine’s chili dinner.
Brief History of the United Church Women
In 1962 the UCW was created as the successor to the Woman’s Missionary Society (WMS), a world mission-oriented service and study group that supported almost 100 active missionaries around the world. The Woman’s Association (WA) at that time focused on work in the local church and community. Guilds and Ladies’ Aids were the WA’s forerunners; in the early years, these units went unrecorded, just doing what needed to be done, spiritually, financially, and socially.
Today, that spirit of generosity continues in active UCWs in congregations and Conferences from coast to coast to coast, united in expressing their devotion to Jesus Christ in Christian witness, study, fellowship, and service.